1·I saw you in this great house with a big pool.
2·Here it meant a big pool that could store water.
3·Finally, the third is a big pool with an indispensable view of the sea.
4·One day, the greedy witch went to the market, put a great big pool of chestnut.
5·Nor do they try to encourage a big pool of trainees and select the most successful.
6·Users get the benefits both of a big pool of potential partners and various tools to winnow them.
7·If it's a big pool of cholesterol, it will expand, causing the 'cap' of the deposit to tear off in the arterial wall.
8·It took a little while for NYPD to feel the impact as it had a big pool to draw from, but now recruitment is drying up.
9·To the wholesome requirement of cooperative branch, big pool is daily quadratic inside and outside clears, in the morning at 10 o 'clock, in the evening after scrub.
10·The Chicago Tribune recently listed a few of these plums: Boston University, for instance, has a big pool with a wave machine, so young scholars can jump waves with their boogie boards.